• 华尔道夫位于森林城市, 爱荷华州, 位于美国中北部, 被称为中西部北部. This region has a reputation for being especially friendly, quiet, spacious and safe. 爱荷华州是美国犯罪率最低的州之一, and the cost of living in the Midwest is lower than larger cities and coastal regions.

    爱荷华州 is known for its high educational standards, small-town family values and its agriculture. The area surrounding Forest City is mainly farmland with small towns dotting the landscape approximately every 20 kilometers. 爱荷华州有四个不同的季节. Summer is warm and quite humid; winter has temperatures frequently below freezing and snow; spring and fall are very pleasant and mild.

  • 森林城市大约有4500人. 这座城市是温尼贝戈工业公司的总部, 一家主要的休闲车制造商,雇佣了近3名员工,000人. 这座城市位于明尼阿波利斯和圣路易斯市之间. 保罗,明尼苏达州. (population of 3 million) and 爱荷华州's capitol, Des Moines (population of 400,000).

  • Waldorf has approximately 625 residential undergraduate students representing almost every 状态 of the U.S. 还有二十多个国家.

  • 体育博彩提供很多 学生住宿计划. 学生 that are interested in studying in the US are reminded that they are only allowed to pursue degrees on campus.

  • When the studying is done, there are plenty of opportunities on campus for students to get involved. 许多校园团体举办活动和活动, 我们总是请音乐家, 喜剧演员, 催眠师和其他令人兴奋的表演者. 除了在校园的乐趣, 我们经常去明尼阿波利斯和得梅因购物, 职业体育赛事, 动物园之旅和更多!

    There is even a club for international student to gather with domestic students and share their culture. 请查看 世界学生协会Instagram 翻页看看过去的事件!

  • 视图体育博彩 住宿学费.

  • Every international student at Waldorf receives some form of financial aid. This financial aid is in the form of scholarships (funds that do not have to be repaid to the university) and are generally based on academic merit and financial need. 人才奖学金由教练或主任决定. Please visit with your 招生 Counselor for more scholarship information.

    要申请经济援助,学生必须 申请华德福 并被录取.

  • 是的, Waldorf is fully accredited by theHigher Learning Commission and by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges.

  • Waldorf requires all international students to take a standardized test. 资格考试包括:ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo或PTE. The test requirements may be waived if the student’s transcripts show that the main language of instruction in high school and/or college was English.

  • Waldorf accepts transfer credit from most other accredited colleges and universities around the world. Transfer credit accepted by Waldorf is through the discretion of our registrar. 从美国转移学分.S. institutions, please submit an official transcript to the University registrar.  体育博彩 does not perform internal translations/evaluations of international transcripts for individuals. All students are required to submit international, academic transcripts to 成绩单评估服务 进行评估. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange and pay for the evaluation through InCRED and have the official evaluation sent directly to 体育博彩. Waldorf does require the official international transcript and the official copy of the evaluation.

  • You must pay $350 to the Student/Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security at least three business days before your visa interview. 目前有三种付款方式:

    • 信用卡或借记卡(网上)
    • 支票或汇票(邮寄)
    • 西联快付

    请参阅 SEVIS网站 欲知详情.

  • 支付你的 SEVIS 至少在参加签证面谈前三天支付费用. If your payment has not gone through, you will most likely be denied an interview. 你可以通过网上面试预约 U.S. 大使馆.

    • 选择您的居住国家
    • 选择“签证信息”
    • 选择“非移民签证”
    • 选择“安排签证面谈”

    有关申请签证的更多信息,请访问 旅行.状态.政府 学生签证网站.

  • You should make your flight arrangements to the Mason City Municipal Airport (MCW). 体育博彩 offers a shuttle to and from the airport on selected days and times. Please be sure to make your 旅行 arrangements to coincide with the dates of the shuttle services. 要安排乘坐班车,请提交a 骑请求 华尔道夫运输公司.

  • 是的,你可以进入美国.S. 在I-20上的报告日期前30天.

  • You are expected to arrive no later than the report date on your I-20. 只有在情有可原的情况下才可例外. You must seek approval from Waldorf before booking 旅行 for a date after the required check-in.

  • You need to bring your most recent I-20 with a current 旅行 signature, 有效护照, 有效签证(加拿大学生不需要签证). 此外,建议您携带SEVIS费用收据, your current financial documentation issued within the last three months, and proof of enrollment (such as your admission letter or unofficial transcripts).

  • 回顾校园 住房选择 在做出选择之前. 一旦你决定了你的喜好,你需要填写 校内住宿表格(PDF). 此表格与您的 学费和住房押金表.

  • 宿舍分配信会在学生到达前发给他们. These assignment letters provide students with their housing assignment and roommate contact information.

  • 所有全日制学生都可以住在校园. 学生 coming directly from overseas are required to live on campus the first semester. 曾在美国留学的学生.S. for one semester or more are required to live in university housing and have a board plan unless they meet at least one of the following exceptions.

                  • 学生将在9月9日之前年满21岁. 1月1日是秋季学期,1月2日是秋季学期. 春季学期15美元.
                  • 学生已婚.
                  • 学生有子女与他/她同住.
                  • 学生在校住满至少六个学期.
                  • Student has transferred in with at least 60 transfer credits prior to the start of the semester.
                  • Student lives at home with parents and commute from their permanent address within a 35-mile radius of the university.


  • 根据要求, Waldorf will lend you a bedding package for your use during your first few nights in Forest City. A shopping trip to Mason City is always on the agenda for international student orientation where you will have a chance to purchase your own bedding items.

    请浏览 居住生活 浏览我们的网站,了解更多有关房屋的资讯.

  • International student orientation is required of all international students that are new to Waldorf.

  • 所有学生都必须有健康保险. 只有放弃霍道夫的医疗保险计划才有可能, 如能提供其他医疗保险证明. 请浏览 学生保险页面 有关学校保险计划及要求的进一步资料.

  • Once you have been accepted the registrar will work together with your academic advisor to create your first semester class schedule. 此时间表将通过电子邮件发送给您审阅. 你可以回复邮件,设定一个时间来讨论任何变化.

  • 视图体育博彩 学费和付款信息.

  • You will need to pay off your remaining balance prior to registering for classes for the upcoming semester.